JOSIAH'S PLACE Coffeehouse

A Christian Coffee House Ministry

1175 Madison Road

Beloit, WI 53512-1075


Concert Calendar

*** All concerts start at 7 pm and are held at 1175 Madison Road (Beloit)
UNLESS otherwise noted ***

-------  December 2020  -------
{click date above to display printable monthly calendar}

December 05, 1975  –  Open Night An evening with special music and a special guest, Dave Templeton, The Christian Fuzz" from Madison Wi. Don't miss this one.

December 06, 1975  –  Variety Night These nights are always full of surprises!

December 12, 1975  –  DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING CLASS GRADUATION NIGHT Special music, skits, testimonies & sharing.

December 13, 1975  –  HOPE From Rockford Il – They will present a program with a variety of musical styles from rock to soul music.

December 19, 1975  –  Steve Powell WOW! HOT DOG! WHOOPEE! PRAISE THE LORD! HALLELUJAH! NEED I SAY MORE! You'll really be sorry if you don't come.

December 20, 1975  –  Movie – RETURN TO SODOM A 50 minute film about the outbreak of witchcraft, homosectuality & cult religions here in the U.S.

December 26, 1975  –  CLOSED When "wise men" find Christ, they offer both their worship and their wealth.

December 27, 1975  –  CLOSED for Christmas Vacation True patience often results from a spiritual "pause that refreshes."

For information on additional events please check our Facebook event calendar at

"What the World Needs is Jesus!"